Sunday, April 5, 2015

Cub Scout Bake Off

It was that time of year again where I turn my clean kitchen over to Gary and Garrett for the Cub Scout Father-Son Bake Off. This year Garrett has been asking since Christmas to learn to make a Cheesecake. So he and I made a plain cheesecake. It turned out well, but it wasn't thick enough for him and he wanted to add chocolate. Well he found a recipe for Chocolate Chip Cheesecake! 

As usual, they had a practice night where they practiced the recipe and we got to sample it and make suggestions. A debate as to if mini chocolate chips were needed or not occurred as the regular sized ones seemed too big. It finally was agreed that it needed the mini chocolate chips.

So Friday night Gary and Garrett made their Chocolate Chip Cheesecake- it looked awesome!! Saturday came and it was time to turn it in. There were 17 entries this year, but they were all against each other- no categories. Even though Garrett and Gary did not win this year- Garrett is happy to know how to make a good cheesecake and we were lucky enough to enjoy it!

The first place winner with the "Mile High Apple Pie" is in the center

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