Let me explain, you see there has been this commercial playing that once you hear it, it sticks in your head for HOURS. (to this I hummed the Nationwide jiggle- you can watch the commercial I was referring to below:)
The funny part is that when I started humming it- the kids joined in! They knew the jiggle. So I asked how was on their side? Nationwide - one answered. Yes according to this commercial they are, but who is always on YOUR side? He will never let you down- no matter what? Jesus- I finally got as an answer. Yes! So instead of 'Nationwide is on Your Side" - the next time you hear this commercial- I want you to think this "God is for us Who's against us?" (Which if you sing it just right does fit into the jiggle.)
But we have a State Farm Insurance Salesman in our congregation, so I added that just because one insurance company is reminding us that "God is For US"- there is another thing to remember. "Like a Good Neighbor, God is Always there."(sung to the State Farm jiggle)
With this we closed in prayer and as they returned to their seats, I hummed the Nationwide Jiggle!
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